Social consulting

Expert services in consulting and audit, social support of projects, engagement with the community and NPOs

Services in social consulting:

Social impact assessment
of projects

In accordance with international requirements within the ESIA scope


Verification of compliance of activities and documentation with the statutory and IFI requirements


Community, authorities and self-governments, other stakeholder groups

Human rights impact

Assessment of actual and potential impacts and development of mitigation strategy

Promoting equal opportunities at workplace

Involvement and empowerment of women affected by the project

Resettlement, restoration of livelihoods

Development of activities for indigenous peoples and local communities in line with the IFI requirements

Assessment of impacts on indigenous peoples and communities

Development of sustainable development activities for indigenous communities in accordance with the IFI requirements

Social management

Implementation of best practices into corporate operations and client culture

Development of management
plans and procedures

Documents covering social aspects during construction and operation phases of the project

In the process of social impact assessment of projects according to international standards, the main impacts of the project (both beneficial and adverse) are identified and studied in detail, measures to minimize adverse impacts and enhance benefits from the project are determined, and a monitoring program of their implementation is developed

Social audits are performed in the areas of:

Occupational health and safety
Engagement with the community and other parties
Handling personnel and community grievances

Stakeholder engagement includes stakeholder research and identification, planning of information disclosure and consultation activities (community meetings, roundtables, organization of public reception offices, etc.) throughout the lifecycle of the project

Assessment of project impacts on indigenous communities also includes:

Advocacy for the interests, culture and rights of indigenous minorities affected by the project
Consultation on obtaining Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)
Recommendations for creating a positive image of the company and the project among the community

As part of the project's human rights impact assessment, our team describes the current human rights context at the national, regional and local levels and reviews the client's policies, plans and procedures in place

We have expertise in new specialized areas of social management:

Responsible procurement
Supply chain risk assessment

When implementing projects in the area of promoting equal opportunities at workplace, our team can recommend strategic and practical measures in managing the risks associated with gender-based violence and harassment, as well as in promoting non-discrimination at workplace

Selected documents that we develop:

Human Resources Policy
Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Policy
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)
Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF)
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP)
Contractor management procedures
Shift Camp Management Plan
Community Development Plan (CDP)
Procedure for incentivizing local recruitment
Procedure for engaging local suppliers of goods and services
Procedure for identifying, assessing and monitoring supply chain risks

Our social experts develop corporate policies, action plans, capacity building programs and monitoring, evaluation and corrective action recommendations that help companies improve their social performance

Why are management plans and procedures covering social aspects during construction and operation phases of a project needed?
  • Human Resources Policy ensures compliance of the company's activities with the legal requirements and IFI standards in the area of labor relations and working conditions
  • Human Rights Policy ensures that human rights and freedoms are respected at all stages of the project
  • Equal Opportunities Policy helps the company to state its commitment to provide all employees with equal opportunities and conditions in which employees are evaluated solely on the basis of their merit, ability and potential, regardless of their ethnicity, color or national origin, gender, marital status or family circumstances, disability, union membership, criminal record, socio-economic status, religious or political beliefs, or other differences
  • The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) is developed through the ESIA process taking into account national legislation and in accordance with the IFI requirements
  • The Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) is the overall strategy for the compensation, resettlement and rehabilitation of project-affected persons and describes the resettlement process and modalities under the project
  • The Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) is developed when in the project area there are persons to be resettled and eligible for compensation. The Plan includes a detailed appraisal of land plots and the property of project-affected persons performed by an independent licensed appraiser
  • The Land Rehabilitation Plan (LRP) is developed when land is acquired from land users and owners of land plots during construction of linear facilities
  • The Shift Camp Management Plan defines standards for the accommodation of project workers to provide healthy and safe living conditions and helps mitigating potential negative impacts from the influx of project personnel during the construction phase and ensuring respectful interaction between the local community and shift camp residents
  • The Community Development Plan (CDP) is the company's voluntary contribution to the development of its stakeholders and the areas of its presence; it facilitates implementing priority areas of local development and taking advantage of the opportunities created by a new investment project
  • The Procedure for incentivizing local recruitment contributes to gaining the approval of the company's activities by local communities and other stakeholders, ensuring tangible benefits for local communities from the company's presence, and cutting project costs by reducing numbers of foreign and non-resident workers
  • The Procedure for engaging local suppliers of goods and services is aimed at strengthening positive impact of the project related to the attraction of local companies to provision of works, goods, and services. The involvement of local suppliers also indirectly increases the employment rate in the region
  • The Procedure for identifying, assessing and monitoring potential supply chain risks in the area of occupational health & safety and labor relations allows setting clear and measurable targets for supplier performance
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