Plastic. Pro et Contra.
Environ Consult expert opinion

Plastic. Pro et Contra

Opinion of Environ Consult experts on the text of the international agreement to combat plastic waste pollution.
The issue of plastic pollution in the natural environment has become a global concern, requiring collective efforts from multiple countries. An international agreement to combat plastic waste pollution, including in the marine environment, is currently being drafted, with the initial proposal released on September 4, 2023, by the UNEP Secretariat. This proposal will be discussed in November 2023 at the meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee in Nairobi, Kenya.

Experts from Environ Consult have analyzed the draft agreement, recognizing the need to address plastic pollution in various forms. They suggest that the proposed criteria for the harmfulness of polymers and plastic products need significant refinement and scientifically based approaches. There is also concern about the proposal to restrict the production of primary plastics and set global and national targets for reducing primary polymer production. The agreement could have a profound socio-economic impact, affecting the polymer product market, manufacturers, consumers, and national economies.

Experts agree that the source of the problem is not plastic itself but improper handling of plastic products and waste. They believe that preventing environmental pollution by plastics can be primarily aided by the widespread adoption of best practices in waste management, including Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), supported by the government and business sectors, along with active public education on waste separation, reduction, and recycling initiatives.
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